

Our work is critical for change! Help promote solutions to inequality!

  1. We Need Your Help

    100% of our funding comes from grants, fees for service, and individual donations from people like YOU. A monetary gift of any size will help! All donations are tax-deductible.

  2. Capacity Building

    Your contribution will help us continue to provide our quality training and resources to the community as well as expand and promote our mission.

  3. Programs and Projects

    We rely on donations to publish our international, online, open access, peer-reviewed journal; sustain our Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion; and produce local events such as film series and presentations by top national scholars.

  4. Scholarships

    Consider supporting a teacher to participate in the annual Knapsack Institute; or assisting us in funding students to attend professional conferences relevant to our mission.


To discuss giving options, please email the program manager, Will at Consider a monthly pledge or including us in your estate planning. 

Give by credit card online at the UCCS donation page here, choosing the Matrix Center Operation Fund in the Gift Designation box, OR by check, made payable to the CU Foundation, and include "Matrix Center" on memo line.

Mail to:
CU Foundation
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs CO 80918



One Student's Experien

We Put Your Money to Work: One Student's Experience


by Linda Lidov, President, Highland PR


Tre started coming out socially as transgender during college, and decided to make the medical changes needed to help him present as male. With a deeper voice and facial hair that formed his outward identity in the years that followed, Tre’s transition had a profound impact on his life. And through it all, the positive support Tre received at school made all the difference in the world.

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs created an open, supportive learning environment, so much so that Tre was invited to visit other classrooms as a guest speaker, participate in a campus-wide speaker series, and conduct departmental trainings about topics related to sexuality and gender. When he started teaching his own classes after graduate school, the support of his advisors led him to openly discuss his transition with students.

Tre attributes his positive experience largely to the Matrix Center and is now a workshop facilitator at both the White Privilege Conference (WPC) and Knapsack Institute.