Funding Opportunities

A limited number of small grants are awarded to organizations sponsoring programs or speakers that support the mission and work of the center. The Matrix Center is now accepting Applications Requesting Support for Speakers and Events.
The Matrix Center awards grants for UCCS departments or groups bringing in speakers or hosting events that are central to the Matrix Center's mission: To examine and challenge systems of oppression and privilege in society, and implement effective solutions through comprehensive educational programming, literature, institutes, and workshops locally, nationally, and beyond.
Specifically, the Matrix advances research, curriculum, and faculty development examining the dynamics of oppression and privilege in the United States and around the globe. Our central focus is on the intersections of gender, race/ethnicity, and sexuality, as they interact with each other and with other dimensions of inequality. We strive to foster an intellectual climate that supports inclusion and collaboration among our faculty, students, and the community.
We will consider other relevant request for funding on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us before applying.
Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served, basis. Preference will be given to events that are most closely aligned with the Matrix Center's mission, and which can demonstrate support from other departments or organizations. Grant requests should not exceed $250.
Acceptance of funds entails acceptance of the following requirements. Failure to meet these requirements will result in a loss of funding.
- The Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion will be recognized in all publicity and at the event; and if possible, logo should be used on fliers, mailings, etc.
- The event will be advertised at least two weeks in advance, and publicity materials will be sent to the Director of the Matrix Center (aferber@uccs.edu) to review before that.
- If the event is open to the public, publicity materials (flier, announcement, etc.) will be provided to The Matrix Center at least two weeks in advance, for distribution to our email list.
- Funds can be made available via University P-CARD or speedtype transfer.
For more information contact the Matrix Center at (719) 255-4764, stop by Academic Building, Room 215, or email the Program Manager (wsmith15@uccs.edu).